Location :
Guildford, Western Australia
Collaborators :
Fratelle Froup of Architects
Ultimo Design and Construct
Less than $5 million
Completed :
December 2017
Awards :
2018 Global Architecture and Design Awards
Third Award – Category (Hospitality – Built)
2017 Master Builder’s Association Australia Excellence in Construction Awards
Best Commercial/Industrial Building under $5 million
2017 National Association of Building Designers
Best Heritage Design
Best Non-Residential Interior Design
Best Alteration/Addition Commercial Design
2017 Building Designers Association of WA
Best Heritage Design
Best Sustainable Design – Commercial
Best Public Building Design
Best Commercial Alteration/Addition over $1M
Best Non Residential Interior Design
The iconic heritage listed Guildford Hotel (1886) was extensively damaged by fire in 2008; then subject to further flooding as it lay in a derelict state. Restoration works commenced in 2014 after the WA Heritage Council gave approval for partial re-roofing of the hotel and the state government contributed $100,000 for its construction.
Airey Taylor was responsible for the preparation of a dilapidation survey of the existing fabric of the fire damage and provision of advice on how existing external walls could be retained and their integrity preserved. ATC provided an outline of ‘urgent works’ including wall stabilisation, conservation of brickwork and render and weatherproofing of building before design and documenting the structural component of the redevelopment. The review by Airey Taylor was key to ensure timbers & bricks were reinstated, or recycled & reused wherever possible.
Structural input to adaptive re-use was key to enabling the Architect Fratelle to complete a design exposing the remaining original & burnt features within the space. Double height voids were created in the space characterised by the partial loss of the first floor to create cavernous main bar areas, & function & private dining rooms added to the upper level. An internal courtyard has been created within the confines of the external walls that provide a unique indoor / outdoor experience for patrons.
ATC provided Quality Assurance inspection during construction and certifying compliance with design and documentation structural requirement at completion, design and documentation of Belvedere and of a Retractable Roof Support, design and documentation of the future retail area and construction phase services, design and sketch and advise on fit out, investigation of future proofing of timber floors, wind loading for glazing, level 1 activation works being strengthening existing floors and advice on the underpinning for a lift pit, rectification of the James St façade, design and sketches of mezzanine a walkway and a physical check and attesting to adequacy of the balustrade. Assessment and remediation of concrete beams with industrial galvanic anodes strategy was utilised to minimise concrete breakout and preserve otherwise critically damaged concrete beams.
Due to the importance of the redevelopment to the local community, Premier Colin Barnett cut the ribbon to the 1886 built hotel in 2016.