Following the awards from both Engineers Australia and the Concrete Institute of Australia for Koora-Yeye-Boordawan-Kalyakoorl sculpture and Entry Statement, Wadjemup (Rottnest Island); we have been thrilled to be informed that a project profile of the main entry sculpture has been provided to the excellent tour guides at Rottnest Island.
As an initiative of Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia, Ian Maitland OAM, the “Engineering on Rottnest” newsletter helps the Volunteer tour guides understand and explain the development of the often innovative measures that make habitation and use of the Island both possible and enjoyable to visitors to the “Crown Jewel” island of Western Australia. The recent issue features the evolution of the Koora-Yeye-Boordawan-Kalyakoorl sculpture and the innovative Structural Engineering measures that went into making this historic and iconic sculpture durable despite the often abrasive beachside setting and presence of sea salts.
Here is a link to the newsletter; which will help Volunteers let visitors know the fascinating technical background to this landmark achievement, that will in turn help visitors learn the true history of the Island and its significance to the Noongar people.
Thank you Ian for your support and we hope that the Volunteers enjoy the information!