Airey Taylor Consulting were delighted to learn of the City of Rockingham’s recent award for greatest Contribution by a Public Organisation category in the Western Australian Heritage Awards. The City received the award from Heritage Minister David Templeman and Heritage Council Chair John Cowdell AM in a ceremony on Friday 19 November 2021.
Airey Taylor Consulting was able to assist the City in the assessment and suggestions for structural remediation of the historic Lucy Saw House built in 1920 (pictured below; historic; prior to rehabilitation; and following restoration); which the City noted was instrumental in the decision to reject an application to demolish the property and instead maintain and sell the structure. The new owners are currently engaged in a full program of remediation and restoration; and the unique building will continue to lend its Heritage character to the surrounding area.
As well as Lucy Saw House, City of Rockingham have engaged in a range of excellent Heritage works via its City Heritage Reference Group in conjunction with community groups such as the Rockingham Museum Rockingham District Historical Society, the Batavia Coast Maritime Heritage Association, Rotary Club of Palm Beach, Royal Australian Artillery History Association (WA) and others; under the guidance of their Heritage Strategy 2020-2025.
Airey Taylor Consulting share the City of Rockingham’s passion for enhancing the Heritage status of our local communities for the enjoyment of future generations. Our recent paper and presentation to the National biennial conference of the Concrete Institute of Australia about the adaptive re-use of buildings shared our leading-edge materials knowledge about the repurposing of concrete in CBD Heritage buildings in Perth; and our Engineering designs have reinvigorated derelict structures such as the Guildford Hotel to national award-winning function.
We hope to work closely with the City of Rockingham into the future to preserve our State’s historic structures and congratulate them on their commitment and vision in this area. For the City’s coverage of the event, please check their website at this address.
Airey Taylor Consulting would also like to thank Rockingham Museum for their historical photograph of Lucy Saw House. Their website is accessible here.