Managing Director of Airey Taylor Consulting and Honorary Fellow of Engineers Australia Peter Airey is to co-present a seminar regarding optimal Engineering practice for the new millennium for Cyclonic regions; of great interest in the wake of Cyclone Seroja and considering the vulnerability of settlements on the Western Australian coastline to future cyclonic events.
Prior to 1974, Peter insisted upon designing his structures in the Northern Territory for cyclonic wind loads. His completed buildings were used as refuges by survivors of TC Tracy.
He will be joined by Professor Geoff Boughton AM (who has devoted much of his career to the study of cyclones), who will provide context on the evolution of Australian wind design codes, building design and construction practices in cyclonic areas. He has been a member of the Australasian Wind Engineering Society since 1985 and is a research fellow and Adjunct Associate Professor at James Cook University’s Cyclone Testing Station. Geoff’s investigation of wind damage and research work has helped to improve building standards in Australia as well as South Pacific countries.
The presentation benefits from their wealth of experience from Darwin’s Tropical Cyclone Tracy in 1974 through to TC Seroja which affected WA’s Midwest in April 2021.
The rehearsal for the event has been concluded and it is a poignant presentation of interest to any practicing Structural Engineer or person involved in policy and planning for the future of Western Australia.