Location : Manjimup, Western Australia
Collaborators : Slavin Architects
Completed : January 2018
Value : $1.75 million
Awards :
2018 Australian Steel Institute (WA)
Best Steel Clad Structure
Airey Taylor Consulting were appointed as Structural Engineers for this unique structure that provides a live music venue to the South Western town of Manjimup. The shell itself consists of a curved steel pipe verandah truss with radiating Hi-Rib roof sheeting panels attached directly to the trusses. This creates an aesthetically pleasing and sheltering stage area open to the public reserve area.
This stage area sits atop an elongated concrete slab and footings that extend for the length of the entire building. The building behind the Shell consists of two green rooms, an enclosed assembly area with tea making facilities, and male and female toilets, uses steel framed construction for a durable and economical build. Extensive verandah space surrounds the facilities rooms.
The resulting structure forms an attractive and unique cultural place for residents and visitors alike. This project forms one of several successful collaborations by ATC with Slavin Architects, particularly in the innovative use of Structural Steel; as the project is first of a series of five consecutive wins by Slavin Architects in the Australian Steel Institute (WA)’s excellence awards.

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects

Photo courtesy : Slavin Architects